About the Business
Lee Dray - Born in Banbury, Lee is the Managing Director of Dray's eyecare and lives less than a mile from the practice with his wife Claire, two daughters Elizabeth and Lucie and son Freddie. He still remembers buying sweets, as a schoolboy from the very place that Dray's eyecare is situated now, when it was the local newsagent and post office! Lee's optical career started some twenty years ago in Oxford where he was schooled in the manufacture, fitting and dispensing of glasses whilst undertaking further training at the then Anglia College in Cambridge. Since then he has worked for both independent and national Opticians, as well as suppliers to the Optical profession. Lee is the person you will see to discuss your visual needs for glasses, he will accurately measure and fit your glasses in the dispensing consultation room and will manufacture your spectacles in the on-site ophthalmic laboratory.
Location & Hours

81 Chatsworth Drive